Motion Graphics


Motion Graphics

Logos and mottos can certainly make an impact on the audience but it cannot really have a long-lasting effect unless there is some form of engagement with the audience. As far as engagement is concerned, it should generally be in the form of an interactive connection. Since as a company, you cannot physically meet and interact with your audience, there are creative routes that one can take – in the form of written content, photos and videos. In 2019 and beyond, videos have a significant impact on the audience as a whole. With the help of script and acting, videos can be made really impactful and, in the end, more audience engagement can be guaranteed. However, videos can be costly to make. Especially, when you include paid actors, the cost of making videos shoots up exponentially. And while the costs are quite high, the audience engagement is not always present. Plus, on the internet, there is very little science behind what can go viral and what cannot – so, as a company, you have to make reserves for such contingencies. However, is there a way out of this?
Motion graphics is the way to go if you want to cut down on costs but develop amazing videos. Motion graphics or animations have almost the same, if not more, engagement than normal videos. Animators put in a lot of effort to develop animated videos and because of that, people tend to appreciate it more and remain engaged to it. Plus, as the work of art is a completely independent creation of the animator, there is no personal touch of any actor – it is completely how the animator wants it. Motion graphics is an effective way to communicate what you want to convey effectively, without beating around the bush. With the help the motion graphics, you can even add your bit of humour and exponentially make a special place in the heart of the audience. Motion graphics have always had a soft spot in the audience and so, big companies like Apple and Google are moving towards it.

We have an expert team of animators who have excelled in the art of creating videos using motion graphics. Taking inspiration from top firms like Apple and Google, they have developed the art of telling stories through inspiring animated shorts. The possibilities with motion graphics are endless – there is flexibility with the animation, wide range of expressions both written (calligraphy) and facial can be inputted, and a linear fragmentation of story-telling can be achieved. Since brand engagement is a top priority of any company, motion graphics can be one of the best ways to go for it. Our expert animators make sure that your philosophy is put inside their shorts effectively and the message gets through clearly to the target audience. Our creative team helps in preparing an engaging and humorous script of the motion graphics, ensuring that the message is not lost, but is kept hidden in engaging folds so that the audience can see the difference and be influenced by it. Our digital creative team analyses trends to ensure that the content is original and in line with what the people of that current time want, ensuring that you get the brand recognition and awareness you deserve.